
On August 22

From Highway 26 to Speck Pond Shelter
Miles: 4.6
Hours: about 6.5

Erin made me a wonderful breakfast of pancakes and packed the leftover pizza and pancakes for me to take on the trail.  We stopped at the grocery store so I could pick up a few things and she could  but some treats to leave at the trail head for hikers.  She dropped me off at the trail and I hiked up to the first shelter.  It was an uphill hike the whole way, so it was slow going.  Also, we stayed up talking late into the night last night, so I was a little sluggish.  We call 'hiker midnight' when the sun goes down (7:45 pm) so to stay up talking in a house with electric lights until 11:30 is waay past my bedtime.  But it was refreshing and life-filling to be with a new friend, so I was glad to sacrifice some sleep.  Anyway, then I hiked.  Tonight I will sleep on the trail for the first time in a week and I am glad to be back out in the woods.  When I got to the shelter Kinder was there.  She is one of the women that I ate dinner with in Andover when I stayed at Pine Ellis.  It was good to see her again.  I heard her voice from way up the trail and called out her name before I could even see her, so that was fun.  And I can't wait to be done with Maine, beautiful as it is!

A Praying Mantis on a magazine outside the grocery store.

Erin, Charlie and I at the trail head.  A beautiful day.

I hiked beside this waterfall for maybe a mile.

Hours: 7

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