
On July 21

First, the numbers:
Starting and Ending: Abol Bridge Campground and Store to Rainbow Spring Campsite
Miles hiked: 11.2
Hours on the trail: 8.5 hours

The Bull Moose Taxi picked me up from the hotel at 7:30 AM, a different driver this time.  He recommended that I go to the Black Frog when I reached Greenville, and wished me happy trails.  Within the first tenth of a mile my water bottle broke.  I was lucky to be still at the Abol Bridge Camp Store, so I
bought new water bottles and was on my way.

The hiking was all through old growth pine forest, which smells wonderful and has a specific sound, very soft and heavy when the wind is in the pine trees.

I hiked most of the day alone, until I met Teddy Bear.  We hiked together into the campsite, where I stayed for the night, but he went on to the next site.  The swimming here was the best in the whole 100 Mile Wilderness.

When I arrived at the campsite my left shoulder was rubbed totally raw, it looked like tenderized chicken meat-gross.  But a swim made it less terrible.

A couple from the next campsite brought their cook pot over and made tea.  They are from Winnipeg and told me next time I'm in Winnipeg I could stay with them.  They have five kids about my age.  As we talked Karen told me that I could hike this trail until I was lighter, meaning emotionally.  I really like that phrase.  Just hike until you are lighter.  It has proven to be good advice.

Pine Trees and Sky. What's missing from this picture is the sound of the wind in the pines.

My foot and Moose Poo-it is everywhere 

The inside of pine cones.  Beautiful. 

A bald 

Rainbow Ledges 

Soaking my feet in the stream.  My favorite part of the daily hike.  What's missing from this picture is the sound of the brook.

The view from the Rainbow Campsites.


  1. Anonymous8/06/2012

    "As we talked Karen told me that I could hike this trail until I was lighter, meaning emotionally. I really like that phrase. Just hike until you are lighter. It has proven to be good advice."

    Agreed. Sage advice indeed. Glad to see you are doing well, dearest.

  2. What a healing place to be with your grief and losses from this past year. I agree with the advice to hike until you are lighter ... body, mind and spirit. Blessings!

  3. I am feeling lighter already, and I'm only a month into this adventure. It has been a great experience of community and nature and support for which I am grateful every day. Thank you for taking this journey with me.
