
On August 2

Horseshoe Canyon Lean-To to Moxie Bald Lean-To
Miles Hiked: 8.9
Hours Hiked: 10

I was slow today, so soon after leaving the shelter with Yoda I sat on the trail and watched a snail.  I also spent an hour after fording a stream, just sitting. I listened to the water and talked to four hikers who were going North.  At Moxie Bald Lean-To I met Blue Fox.  He is also 29.  Usually he works A.V. for a cruise ship and when he finishes the Appalachian Trail he will go to Germany for his next work contract.  He was encouraging, answering my new-to-the-trail questions about gear and mileage and telling me encouraging stories.

Blue Fox built a campfire which I enjoyed before going to sleep around 8:30.  At about 11 pm I was awakened by the light of the moon.  It was incredible.  I walked out to the pond and just watched the moon and stars for awhile.  The stark beauty was refreshing.

I was feeling very slow today.  So for 30 min. I sat on the trail and had a glamour shots session with this snail.  Here are the best shots.

Here is the moss? mushrooms? close up, and then looking up the tree at a whole string of it.

I crossed this stream holding onto the rope above my head for stability.  But it has been very dry here lately, so the water was only up to my knees at one part.

Cairn marking the trail on the far side of the river crossing.  You can see the rope in the background.

Another mushroom.

A big caterpillar.  The shoe is there to give you a size comparison.

Flowers.  In the woods it is too shady for flowers, so it is a treat to see flowers at road crossings or above the tree line.

The orange bag is my bear bag.  I was proud of this hang-it is textbook perfect.

Blue Fox came in and made a great fire.  I enjoyed it.  This picture is taken from inside the shelter looking out towards the pond.


  1. What type of food are you eating while on the trail compared to the evening at the shelter? How does that nifty little camp stove work? Grandpa would want to know the high and low temperatures and what time the sun rose and set each day. Have you seen any bears?

  2. The stove (Jetboil) is working great, I'm really happy with it. A lot of hikers use alcohol stoves, but this fits my personality better. I'll try to put up some posts about gear and food soon (and hopefully a book review post). I haven't seen any bears yet, and that's o.k. with me. :) The weather has been gorgeous-warm and sunny, cool at night for good sleeping weather. The sun rises at 5:53 am here today (August 21) and sets at 7:40 pm. The days are rapidly getting shorter, cutting into valuable hiking time, so there are only about 14 hours of good hiking daylight here now.
