
On August 13

Poplar Ridge Lean-To to Piazza Rock Lean-To
Miles Hiked: 8.9
Hours Hiked: 11

Today was one hard day of hiking.  I woke up at the shelter with Patrick, Bones and Squirrel and was the last one to start out.  We climbed three peaks today.  There was about 2.5 miles of trail that was above treeline.  I fell when I twisted my ankle badly and had to wrap it before I could continue hiking.  I was the last person into camp, getting there at dark when everyone else was ready to sleep.  So I cooked dinner in the dark all by myself, which wasn't any fun.

But something magical happened today.  Well, first I picked and ate wild blueberries for over 30 minutes on my way up Horn Mountain, so that was cool, but not the best part of the day.  When I climbed the third peak, Saddleback Mountain, and sat down to eat a snickers bar and drink some water, magic struck.  I thought 'Who's a hiker? I am! I climbed three peaks today!' And when I stood up I knew that I had my Trail Legs.  I knew that I had the strength and the confidence to continue.  That I had the experience and problem-solving ability to climb any other mountain this trail wants to put in my path.  That I could continue to get into better shape and trust my body, listen to my body and take good care of her and I would be o.k.  And I felt good. I felt amazing.  For those of you who run, you know that feeling (for me when I was walking training it always happened around mile three) when you hit your stride?  When you are warmed up, you're not tired yet, and you feel good about the workout, and you know that at the end, yes, you will be tired, but you will feel good.  That was the feeling.  Except it took me 27 days and 215 miles of hiking to get to it.  When I got to camp and explained it to the four men I was hiking with they laughed and told me it is going to take me longer than 27 days to find my trail legs, because they don't have theirs yet, but that is o.k.  I know for myself that today I feel great and I trust for myself that I can continue to be healthy.  I'm excited for the adventures that will come now that I have my trail legs.

Notice how this trail goes straight down over that rock? No problem, trail legs to the rescue.

View from Saddleback Junior, the first peak of the day where I ate my second breakfast of the day.

Me (AKA Fugitive)

Blueberries. Yum.

The trail on the swag between Horn Mountain and Saddleback Mountain.  This picture was taken while standing on Horn Mountain.  This part of the trail was fun and beautiful because it was all above treeline.

View of trail from Saddleback Mountain looking at Horn Mountain.

And once again the Trial goes straight down.  This time there is rebar to help.

A cool picture of the sun over a pond.

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