
On December 15

From Walasi-Yi Hostel at Neels Gap to Low Gap Shelter
Miles Hiked: 10.8

I woke up this morning at Walasi-Yi and got a slow start after breakfast with Pirate.  It was a slow day in general.  I saw 10 people in one big group from the Atlanta Adventure Club.  It rained a little bit, but the weather was o.k., just very cold.

I met a man and woman hiking together who had driven in from Atlanta just to hike for the day, and they were in love with the world, the mountains, each other, the woods.  It was uplifting to chat with them.  And then I met a man and woman who lived nearby and had hiked into the woods hoping for a spectacular view, but had apparently consulted the wrong maps. The woman told me, very grumpily-we hiked for hours, and all we saw were trees and more trees, and shot the man an accusing look.  I hiked quickly on.

I was at the shelter by myself tonight, and it was very very cold.  So I set up my tent inside the shelter after reading in the log book that four days earlier a mouse ran over a hiker's head while he slept.  It was a hard night.  I felt very sad tonight.  I cried myself to sleep.  I haven't done that for a very long time.  Enough said.

When you have worn out your shoes, the strength of the shoe leather has passed into the fiber of your body. I measure your health by the number of shoes and hats and clothes you have worn out. -Ralph Waldo Emerson.

The words above are on a sign on the Walasi-Yi hostel near to this boot tree.

Walasi-Yi. See the white blaze on the arch?  This is 30 miles after Springer.  This outfitter is famous for being the first stop that North Bound Thru hikers have where they can re-assess their supplies, send things home, and buy what they forgot, and take a shower.

Views from the Trail

The Trail

More pretty clouds and mountains.

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