
Painting a Cherry Tree

For Christmas, Joseph got two tickets to a Wine and Canvas event (o.k., yes, he got the gift from me!). So, after a few months of Joseph building up his courage we picked a date-night event and signed up.  Think Bob Ross (happy trees), a cash bar, some piped in music, and a group of about 60 people. Joseph was nervous about his painting skills, but he really relaxed and got into it and turned out with a great painting that we hope to hang in our living room. 
About an hour after the class started a young couple came in, grabbed their paints, and looked around. We thought, this could be interesting-there's no way they can catch up. We were wrong, they were fantastically amazing artists and by far turned out the most detailed, creative, polished paintings in the whole room.  We were really intimidated.
We had walked on the Pumpkinvine earlier in the day, more on that in a later post, for eight miles, so we were a little sun/wind burnt. And for some reason I was running a fever during the painting. But otherwise we had a really good time.

Joseph, taking a break for the background to dry.

In the foreground is our painting, mid-stroke. In the background are the two amazingly talented artists.

Joseph, relaxed and enjoying himself.

Our finished project.

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