

From Mollies Ridge Shelter to Derrick Knob Shelter
13.5 Miles
Cloudy and chilly

I left the shelter this morning before Chapin Lara and didn't see him until he reached the shelter tonight.  I passed two day hikers who told me that they had seen weather forecasts expecting rain all of tonight with 70 mile an hour winds.  The day was windy and cloudy, but I stayed dry.

View of the Smokies from trail


We saw evidence of many mice in the shelter, and it was getting cold, so I decided to set up my tent inside the shelter.  Chapin Lara took the sleeping platform above me.  We were the only two people in the shelter.

The outside of the Derrick Knob Shelter

**Spoiler Alert! I am in Hot Springs, NC tonight, March 11.  Many many people have commented that because of the delayed nature of these posts it is hard for them to know where I actually am in the world.  In addition to responding to e-mails as soon as possible, I will start adding spoiler alerts to blog posts when I can to try to begin to address this problem.

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